[77% OFF] Soundtoys Radiator is a 48-hour short-term sale (until 8/7)

2020 08 05 18x54 17 End sale

[77% OFF] Soundtoys Radiator is a 48-hour short-term sale (until 8/7)

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

If you don't have a radiator, buy it.

It can also be used as a stepping stone to collect small pieces and buy upgres into bundles.
(At this discount rate, the discount price of Apgre exceeds the purchase price)

Soundtoys has a half-price sale to the bundle on Black Friday every year.

I tried it with FilterFreak, which is the same amount as Radiator, but I got a $ 40 discount at the time of the official upgrade.



Vintage vibes, drives, and the magic tone of a 1567a tube mixer.Being like a beast on bass and drums.

Introducing the Radiator with dual drive tube input channels and EQ based on the classic Altec 1960A tube mixer from the 1567s.

The original Altec 1567A hardware was a rack-mounted 5-input tube mixer with a removable transformer, a simple 2-knob EQ, an unmistakable green faceplate, and 97 dB gain.Its sound, by today's standards, is colored and crunchy, with plenty of good old-fashioned hardware noise.At the time, it was used in many early Motown hits, and in countless church and school auditorium PA racks throughout the United States.

Part of history

The green-faced unmistakable Altech gear, especially the 1566A and 1567A, played a major role in shaping Motown's early “sound” from 1961 to 1964.The songs of great artists such as Four Tops, Marblet and The Supremes were carried from the 1567A mixer to a giant three-track recorder.Oh, when life was simple.

These mic preamps and mixers produce a very loud, very colored and warm sound. The EQ is as simple as one bass and one treble knob. After Motown, and after a lot of equipment, analog die-hards began looking for the 1A and 1566A as cheap sources for real tube sounds.

Motown Records chief engineer Russ Terrana made heavy use of the 1567A and became part of the unique Motown sound.Producer Matt Wallace was a big fan.Butch Vig and Billy Bush are also fans.

Radiator brings classic Artek tube sounds to desktop recording rigs, capturing the warmth and punch of original hardware.It features modeled bass and treble tone controls for the original unit, mix controls for ease of parallel processing, and original hardware I / O amplifier saturation and harmonic effects.

All of these different circuit elements interact to create a wide range of tones with just a few simple knobs.In addition, you can decide whether to turn the original noise on or off.

Over the last few years, Altec mixers have been adopted by recording studios as an inexpensive way to bring analog color and personality to computer-based digital recording.Producers like the early Maroon 5 Matt Wallace used the 1567A for their early hits, and bands like the Black Keys (who made custom consoles with the Altec 1567A) were funky with these. The demand and price of small color boxes has skyrocketed.

Computer recorders can get Altec tube sound on all input channels at a low price, without the hassle of connecting to esoteric analog gear. Radiator also includes Little Radiator, a simpler single-stage tube preamp model based on Altec 1567A hardware, the younger brother of Altec 1566A.

End sale
Chillout with Beat


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