[Free] Introduction of Place it, which can be played by combining 10 types of Soundly speakers and 39 types of spaces

2023 05 04 02x19 49 Free plugin

Introducing Place it, a combination of 10 types of Soundly speakers and 39 types of spaces.

Today, I would like to introduce you to the plug-in "Place it" that can be played in various playback environments by combining Soundly's speakers and spaces.

It's pretty great, so if you're a free plug-in main, I recommend getting it.

Soundly didn't know, but the main thing is "Gold MineIt looks like a subscription to a sample browsing app called ".

I'm curious about that too, so if you'd like to check it out, I'll write an introduction article again.


"Place it" includes the following speakers and spaces:

Speaker (10 types)

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There are quite a variety of earphones, smartphones, TVs, radios, radio cassette players, and megaphones.


  • In-ear earbuds
  • Phone ear speaker
  • Phone loudspeaker
  • Walkie Talkies
  • Radio
  • TV
  • Laptop
  • Boombox
  • Announcement speaker
  • Megaphone


Space (39 types)

There are 39 types, including basements, toilets, kitchens, caves, garages, cars, corridors, classrooms, and offices.

Since it is divided for each category, I attached the image and made it possible to see it in a list.

This is amazing.

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Sound demo

I tried playing a preset with a loop of only drums and guitar.

The feeling that the preset with "Neighbor's" is ringing next to me is good and it's a waste of fun.


I tried playing the speaker and the space separately.

First is the speaker.

Depending on the item, individual characteristics may be more clearly visible.





You can download it without registration.

Go to the above link and click the corresponding OS icon in "Download".
(The downloaded installer changes depending on the icon you click.)

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For Win installation, start the installer and the default installation is fine.

If you don't use ProTools, just uncheck "AAX" on the way.

2023 05 04 02x02 06



It's kind of amazing.

Recently, I'm surprised that there are many plug-ins that are really free but have high quality.

I don't think there is any other plugin out there that covers all these types.

This developer is also paying attention to future movements.


I copied the title and URL