[Free] Introducing Somerville Sounds' RUBBER BRIDGE PLUCKS, a guitar sound source with the bridge replaced with an eraser.

Free plugin

Introducing Somerville Sounds' RUBBER BRIDGE PLUCKS, a guitar sound source with the bridge replaced with an eraser.

Today we'd like to introduce RUBBER BRIDGE PLUCKS, a sound source sampled by Somerville Sounds' guitar muted with an eraser.

This is a sound source that does not require other Sampler plug-ins.

It has originality and is very interesting as it samples sounds that cannot be produced by a normal guitar.

Sound demo

It's simple, but it sounds pretty good.

Not only multi-sampling, but also several layers can be seen.



After watching YouTube, John Meyer decided to modify an acoustic parlor guitar. He replaced the bridge with rubber, installed flatwound strings, and added the cheapest electronics on Amazon. And as if the guitar wasn't dead enough already, he jammed an eraser under the strings, further dampening the already muted tone. Result is? It's a lifeless (in a good way) sound, closer to a bass than a lively acoustic guitar. From the cheap pickup's signal, John ran it through a pedal to get saturation and doubling effects. Inside the plug-in, you can tweak the low-pass filter and drive to create a cozy, warm sound, but if you push it to the extreme it'll rattle your walls and wake up your neighbors. None.


OS 32bit 64bit
mac x AU,AAX,VST3
Win x AAX,VST3


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Go to the link above and click "PAY WHAT YOU WANT".

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If you mainly use free sound sources, it will be easier if you check it out.
(I think this developer releases a lot of free sound sources)

When you have finished inputting, click "PLACE ORDER"

A download button will now appear.

Click the button for the appropriate OS to start downloading.


In the case of Win, the installer will be downloaded, so you can run it and use the default settings.

You can specify the library folder, but it is 119MB, so I don't think you need to change it.

If you are interested, you can specify it on the screen below.

Also, the basic format is VST3 only.
