[Free] Kontakt sound source Horror Harp of Simple Samples Audio is distributed free of charge (until 10/30)

2020 10 18 04x17 00 End sale

[Free] Kontakt sound source Horror Harp of Simple Samples Audio is distributed free of charge (until 10/30)

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

You can get that sound that you often listen to in horror.

Required Kontakt Full version 6.2.2 or later.

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It's hard to use, but I think it's the best library for those situations where you want to make that sound.

later2 hours DTMThere may be occasions when you will use it.



The horror harp is a sampling of the antique rap harp that Stephen's wife Natalie inherited from her grandmother.When Stephen tried it, he noticed that all the strings were guitar strings and he decided to record.This untuned madness will add a unique touch to your next horror score.


I copied the title and URL