[Free] Riot Audio's Bowed Glass Clouds is being distributed for free (until 7/5)

2020 06 24 17x43 46 End sale

[Free] Riot Audio's Bowed Glass Clouds is being distributed for free (until 7/5)

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

It has been distributed free of charge before, but this time it is distributed free of charge by VST BUZZ.

It is a Kontakt Full version required.


Bowed Glass Clouds are cinematic virtual instruments running on NI Kontakt.Its morphing pad engine creates a rich, organically evolving texture with sounds made from glass bowls and jars.

Main functions

  • 12 patches: atmospheric power outages, frozen air, ground and ionosphere, harvest sunsets, horizon, jetstream organs, lawn whisps, nebula, solo puffs, stratosphere, sudden squalls, warm haze
  • Samples include a large bow bowl, a small bow bowl, a medium bow bowl, an elbow resonator guitar, and a household hoover.
  • A total of 12 layers of sound: 2 layers of sublayers and 3 octave spreads of A / B layers
  • Lexicon reverb modeling
  • It is based on Riot Audio's unique CLOUDS engine with Kontakt's AET filter morphing feature.



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