[Free] Melda Production releases M SoundFactory Player (with detailed explanation of installation procedure)

2020 06 25 02x39 23 Plugin

[Free] Melda Production Releases M Sound Factory Player

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

I tried it because Melda production released a free version of M Sound Factory.

You can use the Piano sound source called Monastery Grand for free.

However, it didn't feel like it could be used simply by downloading, so I will explain the procedure.

Install MSoundFactoryPlayer

What is this for those who are new to Melda Production?You might think that.

To install the Melda Production plugin, use one universal installer.

So even if you want to install only one, you need to download the installer of about 300MB.

Installation procedure

After downloading, execute the exe.

First, just click "Next".

However,If you are using Verion 10, please read the explanation carefully before proceeding.

If you have automated the Melda plugin in a past project, updating it as is will not automate it.

2020 06 25 01x21 00

Check "I agree to the license terms" and click "Next"

2020 06 25 01x21 21

If you're not using Pro Tools, uncheck AAX and click Next.

2020 06 25 01h21 35 1

I think the default is good if you include all the free plugins.

If you have entered it before, your previous selection should be reflected as it is.

2020 06 25 01h21 53 1

If you only need MSoundFactoryPlayer, click "Select none" once, then select only "MSoundFactory" and click "Next".

Then specify the "VST Plugins" directory.

Specify the folder you always use.

2020 06 25 01x24 02

Finally, click "Exit".

2020 06 25 01x27 50

I'm still wondering if this is the end.

How to download additional sound sources

Download additional sound sources from the links below.

Download the transition destinations ② and ③.

In some cases, ② may not be necessary.
If you understand, download ③ first, check it, and if it doesn't work, add ②.


2020 06 25 02x33 08

After downloading, start the DAW and launch "M Sound Factory".

After launching, click "Install Product" from "Menu".

2020 06 25 02x22 55

A message will appear asking you to select the folder to store the sample, so click "Close".

2020 06 25 02x24 27Create a folder on a drive with capacity and select it.

2020 06 25 02x24 57

Then select the "MSoundFactoryEssentials.mproduct" you downloaded earlier and click OK.

2020 06 25 02x25 58

When the installation is completed, the following dialog will appear, so click "OK".

2020 06 25 02x26 37

Import "MonasteryGrand.mproduct" in the same way.

This completes the preparation.

Load "Monastery Grand"

When operating as a demo version, all sounds will be produced, but after the period, no sounds will be produced except for "Monastery Grand".

Select "Monastery Grand" from the "Keyboards" category.

2020 06 25 02x45 02

that's all.

Besides thisMDrummer Essentials etc.You can use it for free.

Thank you for your hard work!



I copied the title and URL