[Free] Reverb Drum Machines | The Complete Collection is free for a limited time!

2019 08 23 23x54 08 News

Reverb Drum Machines | The Complete Collection is free for a limited time!

This is yosi from Chillout with Beats.

The TR-8 sample pack for Vol 8 was free on August 04th, but the entire series is free! !!

It is equivalent to 99,200 yen.

2019 08 23 23x56 14

Since there is no description of the period, this is a project that should be received quickly.



The Complete Reverb Drum Machines Collection

From the beginning of the invention to modern related equipment, more than 50 volumes of vintage, rare and landmark drum machines tell the history of this modern instrument, covering all electronic rhythm needs and sound characteristics.

The recorded contents are as follows.



I copied the title and URL