[Up to 30% OFF] Reason Studios Reason 11 is on sale including Apgre (until 6/1)

2020 05 09 17x52 38 End sale

[Up to 30% OFF] Reason Studios Reason 11 is on sale including Apgre (until 6/1)

I'm yosi, the maintainer of Chillout with Beats.

If you have a Reason that you got as a bonus such as Krog's Pad, check it out.

The target of Apgre is probably almost all bonus versions Reason (Intro / Ltd / Essentials / Adapted / Lite).

I have written a review of Reason11, so please read it.

Reason 11 is the big thing that DAW can now call Reason's synth as VST.

As VST from other DAWsEurope,ThorEtc. can be used.

In the case of Standard, there are 17 sound sources and 29 effects.

2020 05 09 17x34 33


Click here if you have Intro / Ltd / Essentials / Adapted / Lite

Click here if you already have the full version of the old Reason

Click here for new purchases


11 Instruments that come with Reason 17 Standard (available as VSTi)

Reason 11 Standard comes with 17 types of synths, samplers, and drums.

This alone costs about 1 yen each, which is a great deal.

・ Europa Shapeshifting Synthesizer
・ Grain Sample Manipulator
・ Klang Tuned Percussion Instrument
・ Pangea World Instruments
・ Humana Vocal Ensemble Instrument
・ Radical Piano – advanced acoustic piano
・ Monotone Bass Synthesizer
・ Rytmik Drum Machine
・ Kong Drum Designer
・ Thor polysonic synthesizer
・ NN19 sampler
・ NN-XT advanced sampler
・ Malström graintable synthesizer
・ Dr. Octo Rex loop player
・ Redrum pattern-based drum machine
・ Subtractor analog subtractive synthesizer
・ ID-8 songwriter's toolbox
Here are just a few of the recommendations.

Europe Shapeshifting Synthesizer

Especially recommended isEurope.
It is sold as a single VST for about 1.

Grain Sample Manipulator

This is also wonderful.

Radical Piano – advanced acoustic piano

What's interesting about this is the audio input, which allows you to add piano resonance and ambient.

11 Effects that come with Reason 29 (available as VST)

Synths and samplers alone are pretty good, but the effects are amazing.

The first thing to notice is the Master Bus Compressor.

content master compressor plugin boutique

Wytse of my favorite Youtuber (I don't know if it's a YouTuber ...) did a bride test on this Bus comp and the hardware bass comp, and it was a level that most people could not distinguish. ..

It comes with a wide variety of effects as shown below.

You can use them from VST (AU).

Quartet Chorus Ensemble - new in Reason 11
Sweeper Modulation Effect - new in Reason 11
Master Bus Compressor - new in Reason 11
Channel Dynamics - new in Reason 11
Channel EQ - new in Reason 11
RV7000 MkII advanced convolution reverb
The Echo high quality delay & tape echo
Softube guitar amplifier with amp and cabinet modeling
Softube Bass amplifier with amp and cabinet modeling
Scream 4 Sound Destruction Unit
Alligator triple channel pattern based gate
Pulverize distortion, compressor and envelope follower module
Synchronous Effects Modulator
Neptune pitch corrector and voice synthesizer
Audiomatic Retro Transformer
MClass 4-band mastering EQ
MClass Dual band stereo imager
MClass Stereo compressor with sidechain input, soft-knee mode and CV out
MClass Maximizer with look-ahead and soft clip
RV-7 digital reverb
DDL-1 digital delay line
D-11 foldback distortion
ECF-42 envelope-controlled filter
DF-101 chorus / flanger
PH-90 phaser
COMP-01 compressor
PEQ2 2-band EQ
BV512 vocoder with 4 to 512 bands and equalization
UN16 unison
Here are some other recommendations.


This is pretty good.

Audiomatic Retro Transformer

I think this is much better than some VHS emulation.

Besides VHS, there are also radios and records, which are excellent.

2019 11 23 00x39 39



Synchronous,Pulveriser Demolition Unit,The Echo,Audiomatic Retro TransformerWas taken in a video.

SynchronousIt's pretty good.

The included instruments and Effectsplease use this form.You can check from.

End sale
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL