[Free] Introduction to Psychocircuitry's FET comp plug-in MINI FET

2023 12 19 01x45 17 Free plugin

Introducing Psychocircuitry's FET compression plug-in MINI FET

Psychocircuitry has released a new plug-in, MINI FET.

Paid versionMINI FET+ ($29>$19)It is a low-priced version of.

Plugin release speed is extremely fast.

I just released a VCA comp the other day.

Sound demo

I tried it with a drum.



MiniFET is the younger brother of the + version. But it still has a lot to offer: the same three action modes, a harmonic multiplier and saturation system, oversampling, and a switchable transformer output stage. However, there is only one harmonics mode (natural) and one trance type (modern). There's also no external sidechain, variable sidechain filter, auto release, or dual mono channel mode. But everything else is the same flexible FET compressor!

Compatible with Windows 10/11(x64) & MacOS BigSur+*.




OS 32bit 64bit
mac x AU, VST3
Win x Vst3



You can download it without registration.

Click the link above, scroll to "MINI FET" and click "DOWNLOAD" to be redirected to Google Drive.

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Click the download icon on the top right

2023 11 17 02x46 22

The following message will be displayed if you download a compressed file.

Click "Download Now" to start downloading.

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When you unzip it, there are folders for each OS, so if you are using Win, put "Misstortion2.vst3" in the VST3 path below.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3



Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL