In May, buy something at the Plugin Boutique and you'll get a Cableguys Drive Shaper or Audio Damage Dubstation 5! (Until 2/5)

2021 05 04 23x27 58 End sale

In May, buy something at the Plugin Boutique and you'll get a Cableguys Drive Shaper or Audio Damage Dubstation 5! (Until 2/5)

If you buy something at Plugin Boutique in MayCableguys DriveShaper($ 44)Audio Damage Dubstation 2You will get ($ 25).

However, both of them have a subscription contract for Loopcloud, so I'm not happy for those who have a subscription contract ...

However, both are highly recommended.

If you don't have one, buy something and get both.

This is recommended for those who have Serum.


Cableguys Driveshaper

The Cableguys Driveshaper is only a latecomer, with a high degree of freedom and a wide variety of distortions.

Types of distortion

2021 05 02 14x03 24

I tried playing the preset.


Audio Damage Dubstation 

I know I'll do Dubstation 2, but that feeling of Dub doesn't work when I try to reproduce it with a normal delay.

But with this Dubstation 2, anyone can easily do it, and it's a great one with reverse.

I hung Dubstation 2 only on the snare and played it.



I copied the title and URL