[Free] Ampeg SVT-VR is free with coupon code (until 2/19)

2021 01 19 19x29 41 End sale

[Free] Ampeg SVT-VR is free with coupon code (until 2/19)

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The bass amp plug-in Ampeg SVT-VR is distributed free of charge with plugin-alliance.

Coupon code:AMPEG-FOR-FREE

2021 01 19 20x23 57

It's completely free.



Listen to Ampeg's stage-based amp sound in your DAW
Ampeg's SVT amps have long been a favorite of many prominent bassists such as Bootsy Collins, Darryl Jones, Michael Bradford and Chris Wyse. The tones of the SVT series, as you'll notice, feature a full, supple bottom and a satisfying midrange growl, which is the norm for all bass amps.

Thoroughly eliminate essentials
The newly released Ampeg SVT-VR “Classic” plug-in produces the same real tone as the full version, but with only the features you need to make it surprisingly simple and easy to use.It contains one complete channel with both Ultra High and Ultra Low modes, providing you with all the features you need to get the perfect bass tone without distractions.

Customize your tone with a powerful and simple FX rack
SVT-VR Classic comes with a customized FX rack, as you would expect from a plug-in alliance. Take advantage of Brainworx's three advanced boutique recording chains to get your bass sound to fit your mix perfectly.


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