[Free] Nembrini Audio Releases CRUNCK V2 GUITAR AMPLIFIER

2019 10 03 22x11 45 News

[Free] Nembrini Audio Releases CRUNCK V2 GUITAR AMPLIFIER

This is yosi from Chillout with Beats.

Nembrini Audio has released CRUNCK V2 GUITAR AMPLIFIER.

It seems that version 1 was released about 10 years ago, and it was a GUI like this.

2019 10 03 22x10 37

This is version 2. The GUI has become quite modern.It feels like the sound will sound like this for free.

2019 10 03 22x11 45


With the runck V2 guitar amp plug-in, you can choose to use a 30x4 cabinet build with vintage 12 speakers or bypass the cabinet section.

Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL