[Free] Introduction to Linda Audio's versatile saturation effect Hyperdrive equipped with modulation (Win only)

2023 10 25 04x09 44 Free plugin

Introducing Linda Audio's Hyperdrive, a versatile saturation effect with modulation (Win only)

Linda Audio's new plug-in has been released.

This time it's a plug-in Hyperdrive that has modulation in addition to saturation.

It is equipped with an envelope follower, so you can apply it only to attacks, which is very nice.

it's recommended.

Sound demo

I tried playing the preset.




Linda Audio releases Hyperdrive – a versatile saturation effect with advanced filtering and modulation features.Add warm tube saturation to drums and vocals, some nice distortion to your bass guitar, a nice auto-wah before a guitar amp with a built-in envelope follower, or some screaming modulation.・You can also change it to a synth filter.

The core of Hyperdrive is a three-piece distortion model: one diode and two vacuum tubes.You can adjust drive and bias, and even add gain boost.The distortion ranges from very delicate saturation to rich screaming distortion, especially when Tube 1 is selected.You can adjust the input signal gain, output gain, and mix of dry and wet signals.

In the center of the plug-in interface are three filters: a highpass, lowpass, and peak filter.Each has adjustable frequency and resonance, and the peak filter also has a peak gain (allowing you to boost or turn off selected frequencies).Each filter can be activated before or after the distortion stage via a pre/post switch.

On the left side of the plugin interface is an envelope follower that allows you to adjust attack and release times and sensitivity, and on the right is an LFO. The LFO can be synced to the host tempo or free, and there are four shapes to choose from (sinus, square, saw, and reverse saw).The speed of the free LFO can also be modulated with an envelope follower.

Envelope followers and LFOs can modulate filter frequency, peak filter gain, and distortion drive.This allows you to bring your sounds to life.

Hyperdrive also includes undo, redo, A/B, and 20 presets.

If you like Hyperdrive and use it, please support its future development and my other plugins. You can donate via paypal:



OS 32bit 64bit
mac x x
Win Vst2 VST2, VST3


You can download it without registration.

Go to the link above and click the download link.

Basically, all you need to do is download VST3.

2023 10 24 14x42 07

You will be redirected to DropBox, so click "Download" to begin downloading.

2023 10 24 14x45 27


The VST3 file will be downloaded, so just put it in the path below and you're done.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3



Linda Audio is amazing.

The three distortions have different characters and are good, and the modulation is easy to use.


Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL