[Free] How to get the texture of cassette tapes and records

2020 04 13 22h50 27 1 DTM

[Free] How to get the texture of a cassette tape

I'm yosi, the maintainer of Chillout with Beats.

This time is a cheat technique in a sense.

For the time being, it looks like the following.

The order is Dry-> Cassette-> LP.

Use WebCassette

2020 04 13 22x30 43

I personally like to use the developer klevgrand'sWeb CassetteIt is a web service called.

If it's a web service, you can't use it in your DAW!I heard a voice saying, but I wrote yesterday's article for that.

It's a hassle to convert to WAV once, but I think it's worth it.

In other words, stop, play, and fast forward / rewind cannot be done with the plug-in.

You can load Wav from the rightmost button.

2020 04 14 00x51 31

There is also a VST version, so it's a hassle!Please purchase it by all means.


Use WebLP

2020 04 13 22x50 27

This is also the same developer from klevgrandWebLPIt is a web service called.

There is no RPM in the plugin, so it makes sense to spend some time with this web service.

You can also load WAV from the rightmost button.

2020 04 14 00x53 32

There is also a VST version, so it's a hassle!Please purchase it by all means.


For those who find it troublesome to read in Wav, we recommend Voicemeeter Banana, an app that can record the sound being played on the Web.

I also wrote an article, so please check it out as well.


[Free] Summary of how to get the texture of cassette tapes and records

Cassette play, stop, fast forward, rewind or record scratch?You can also get a sound like this, so even if you have a plug-in, you may use it in some situations.


Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL