[Free] Jonmeyer music releases The Meyer Choir, a choir sound source for Kontakt

2020 06 24 15x59 18 News

Jonmeyer music releases The Meyer Choir, a choir sound source for Kontakt

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

You can download it just by registering by email.

He had to stay at home in Corona, so he made it with his family.

It doesn't matter, but the pool is $ 40. (It's cheap and good)

However, the video is beautiful and the music is good.

It seems that Youtube will be uploaded every Friday in the future, and he will explain how to make a library.

Enter your email address in the text box below the link and click "SUBMIT"

2020 06 24 16x13 29

A download link will be displayed.

You can also download other libraries.

2020 06 24 16x14 34


I copied the title and URL