[Free] Free distribution of toy drum kits and Kick recorded from Nord Drum 2 on Goldbaby

2020 12 18 17x33 44 News

[Free] Free distribution of toy drum kits and Kick recorded from Nord Drum 2 on Goldbaby

Originally, various free samples were distributed at Goldbaby's place, but the following two have been added to commemorate Christmas.

・ ToyRecord Sounds
・ ND2 vs Plasma Kicks

In addition, Goldbaby is also holding a sale that will be 12% off with the following coupon code until December 31st.

Coupon code:goodbuy2020

Overview of ToyRecord Sounds

ToyRecord Sounds – Drums, instruments, FX were all recorded by Toy Record Maker.Super Lo-Fi Samples Includes kits and patches for Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Kontakt, Battery, and Geist. 80 MB

Overview of ND2 vs Plasma Kicks

ND2 vs Plasma Kicks – Nord Drum 2 112 x kick drum sound recorded with Plasma Pedal! 28 MB



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