[Free] EUPHORIA VOCAL SAMPLE PACK is free for a limited time with Cymatics

2019 11 17 00x24 36 News

EUPHORIA VOCAL SAMPLE PACK is free for a limited time at Cymatics

I'm yosi, the administrator of Chillout with Beats.

EUPHORIA VOCAL SAMPLE PACK is free for a limited time at Cymatics.

The sample pack here is of high quality and is highly recommended.

Euphoria Sung Phrase

Euphoria Acapella

Euphoria Vocal Chop 8

Euphoria Vocal Chop 12

Euphoria Ad Lib Wet

Euphoria Phrase Dry

Euphoria Processed Phrase

Euphoria Predrop Processed


Also, it seems that a contest using this sample pack will be held.

Details will be announced on November 11th.



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