[Free] Free distribution of violin sound source Slinky Violin at Decent Samples

2020 12 23 11x30 40 News

[Free] Free distribution of violin sound source Slinky Violin at Decent Samples

Free distribution has increased all at once!

Slinky Violin also has a Kontakt sound source, but it also has an SFZ format, so it can be read with a compatible sampler.

It is published on the same siteDecent Sampler (free)The format of is also open to the public, so you can use it to play it.


In November 2020, Dave Hilowitz attached a slinky to the violin, effectively transforming the studio into a giant reverb tank.The resulting sound is dusty, metallic, and incredibly beautiful.

The library contains five versions of the patch.

Slinky Violin: This is the base version of the patch. It has two velocity layers.Velocity controls the volume.
Slinky Violin (Fortelayer only).This version consists only of loud layers.Velocity controls the volume.
Slinky Violin (Piano Layers Only): This version consists of SoftLayer only.This version consists of SoftLayer only.Adjust the volume with velocity.
Slinky violin duet.In this version, the soft layer and loud layer of the above sample are played at the same time.Adjust the volume with velocity.
Slinky Violin Duet (modwheel). Orchestra composers will want to start with this patch.The dynamics of this patch are controlled by the mod wheel (MIDI CC1).With the mod wheel fully open, there is only one violin.With the mod wheel fully open, you can play both layers at full volume.



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