[Free] Mini Instrument is now available for free on 8Dio

2019 12 25 08x52 22 News

[Free] Mini Instrument is now available for free on 8Dio

I'm yosi, the administrator of Chillout with Beats.

First of all, Kontakt 5.7 or later is a full version.

I think it's for a limited time.

There are now XNUMX free Kontakt sound sources.



MINI is the most comprehensive sample library of micro object sounds ever made.This includes over 5.000 samples such as button-rolling toys, tree twigs, eating chips, boiling frying pans, human hoses, nail files, pocket watches, sand drums, foamed styrol, tooth crevices, water bubbles, etc. increase.The concept may seem strange at first, but these sounds are of remarkable value in terms of composition and music. MINI is also ideal for user interface sound design and is used in a myriad of applications.Whether you need 10 different button sounds, including up to 12x round-robin, velocity and round-robin-based mouse clicks, pixel kits, pencil and eraser sounds, and small items that are dropped and thrown.All of that.

This library is specially designed to provide a vast amount of playable source material and inspiration for modern scoring, experimental, IDM, industrial music, electronic music, and professional sound design.We have captured an amazing array of different objects and sources in a wide range of exotic and mundane environments.Our goal is not only to further redefine what can modify an instrument, but also how well each instrument can be played. The Mini is ready to use, but it's deep and versatile enough to bring endless possibilities to creativity and productivity. MINI is the initial sound.



I copied the title and URL