[Free] Introducing Record Cutter Synth, a sound source that samples sine waves etc. from records that can be used with Decent Sampler

2023 02 05 04x32 25 free sound source

Introducing Record Cutter Synth, a sound source that samples sine waves etc. from records that can be used with Decent Sampler

This is the sound source introduction of Decent Sampler.

Today, I would like to introduce Record Cutter Synth, a sound source that samples sine waves cut on a record.

Even if the story is good and you don't need the sound source, I'd like you to watch the developer's video.

What a cutting comes from Gakken"Adult Science Magazine Toy Record Maker"is used.

Anyone who wants to do it can cut it to a record and sample it.
(Since the sound quality is quite Lo-Fi, the application is quite narrow)

Decent Sampler is a sampler that can be used free of charge, and the library has recently become very substantial, so if you do not have Kontakt, please try Decent Sampler first before purchasing Kontakt etc.

Sound demo

There are 9 presets in total.

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I tried playing the preset.

There is only one drawback, and the pitch is sweet.

In particular, presets 1 to 3 are quite different, so it's better to sample again.

I added drums and pads.



This library was created by cutting a series of test tones onto vinyl and playing them on a computer.The result is a long, fragile-sounding synthesizer that's perfect for lo-fi and cinematic productions.

About 20 years ago, when I was lamenting that I couldn't make records at home, my wife did some research and found out that there was a record cutter for consumer use in the 1940s, and bought me an antique. had.This antique never made a single decent-sounding record, but it ignited an obsession with this terrifying technique. In January 2023, I bought a Gakken toy record cutter from Japan.The fidelity offered by Gakken is nearly identical to the Cutter from 1, but this time I've learned to use it as an effect rather than using it to play music.

This library was created by cutting a series of test tones onto vinyl and playing them on a computer.The result is a stuffy, fragile-sounding synthesizer that's perfect for lo-fi and cinematic productions.

This library works with the free Decent Sampler player plugin.You can download it for free here.


You can download it from inside "Decent Sampler".

Open "Decent Sampler" and click "BROWSE".

If you scroll a little, "Record Cutter Synth" will be displayed, so click it.

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Click GET.

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This will start the download.

Once downloaded, it will appear in "MY LIBRARIES".

Double-click "Record Cutter Synth" to load it.

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I don't like the fact that the pitch is slightly off, but other than that, it's a good feeling.

The range is wide and easy to use.

However"Adult Science Magazine Toy Record Maker"It is good.

Isn't it possible to cut and record your own song and use it at the beginning?




I copied the title and URL