[Free] Introducing Reverb Turbo Paco with 18 ArtV Algorithms (Win only)

2023 07 14 04x24 54 Free plugin

Introducing Reverb Turbo Paco with 18 ArtV Algorithms (Win only)

It is Win only, but it also supports Linux.

"Turbo Paco"KVR Developer Challenge 2023It is an entry plug-in.

A reverb that uses the old style algorithm of "Turbo Paco" and can also be used to create a lo-fi sound.

It's insanely good.

And there are 18 algorithms in total.

2023 07 14 04x14 12


Sound demo

Presets are not installed, but since it is TBD, there is a possibility that it will be installed in the future.

I tried changing the algorithm while playing the synth.

To make it easier to understand, we added a lot of wet sounds.


I tried playing drums with different algorithms and clocks.


Turbo Paco is an old style algorithmic reverb, reverse engineered from an algorithm posted in this forum thread by a user named Acreil.

This effect is mostly an allpass loop and a feedforward comb reverb with a few exceptions.There is also a chorus as a bonus.

The controls are mostly self-explanatory, with the exception of “Dyn Time” and “Op Range”. When Dyn Time is positive, the dynamics processor is ducking. When negative, it is inverse ducking, a sort of gate. The “Op Range” is the level at which the hard clipper clips the input signal.This is necessary to control the dynamic range of fixed-point implementations.

The design philosophy is to have a limited control set and many algorithms.There aren't that many right now, but more could be added.


16-bit fixed-point delay line with noise shaping, 32-bit accumulator for computation.
16-bit custom format floating point encoding delay line, single precision floating point arithmetic.
Single precision floating point (32 bits).
The sample rate converter rate can be changed between some preset frequencies, some 'overclocked' and others 'underclocked'.As a result, the effect works at a fixed sample rate, so it will sound the same at any project sample rate.

The reverb is block processed and some algorithms use lower sample rates.

My own algorithm is something of a rookie.Adding reverb is complicated.I tried my best to make it sound convincing.In the algorithm dropdown, the algorithms prefixed with “AC” belong to gearspace user “Acreil”.The ones without the prefix are mine.

KVR's DSP Forum, thank you for your guidance. )

at your own home.

Side note: I don't have a Mac, as I don't have a machine to test on and I've never developed for it, but I use JUCE and CMake to build, so it might be possible to compile for Mac right out of the box.



You can download it without registration.

Click on the above link and the download will start.

2023 07 14 04x25 35


Put the unzipped folder (TurboPaco.vst3) into the VST3 folder below.



This is another great plugin.

There are still 18 algorithms installed, but it seems that there will be more in the future.

It's a fun plugin.

I think "TurboPaco" is also in the top 5.

The level is high again this year.

Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL