[Free] Introducing Clean Machine, a plug-in that combines a saturator and a compressor

2023 02 25 04x09 36 Free plugin

Introducing Clean Machine, a plug-in that's like a saturator and compressor all in one

Today, I would like to introduce Clean Machine, a plug-in with a simple yet sophisticated GUI that was featured in White Sea Studio's video.

Clean Machine is a plug-in that is like a saturator and a compressor all in one.

Sound demo

No presets are included.

I tried playing it while changing the parameters a little.

Simple, but good enough.

I thought it would be nice if Drive and Comp could be separated, or distortion and Comp could be controlled separately.


Amalgamated Signals' Clean Machine is a dynamics controller that is both a saturator and a compressor.It has a timing control like a compressor, but applies a continuous gain reduction curve like a saturator.It also has a third timing parameter called “transition” that controls the speed of shifting between attack and release modes, allowing for more transparent control over dynamics.

At very fast settings and relatively low drives, Clean Machine acts like a saturator, subtly thickening the sound and gluing mix elements together.Slightly increasing attack and release times softens the transient control and reduces harmonic distortion.

Raising the drive level allows the Clean Machine to control big dynamic swings and peaks.Experiment with fast attack and slow release and notice how longer the transition time makes the compression sound more transparent.


You can download without registration.

After transitioning from the above link and scrolling a little, there is a download link.

2023 02 25 03x26 18



If you are using Win, unzip the file and put the "Clean Machine.vst3" file in the VST3 folder to complete the installation.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3



The GUI is simple and easy to use.

The slider is better than the knob because the current value is clear at a glance.

And if you don't focus on the GUI, you can focus on development.


I copied the title and URL