[Free] Cymatics hip-hop drum kit Cartel is distributed free of charge (period unknown)

2021 07 01 00x01 15 News

[Free] Cymatics hip-hop drum kit Cartel is distributed free of charge (period unknown)

It is distributed free of charge from Cymatics again.

There are also 28 Hiphop and Trap drum loops.

It seems that the number 28 is small, but one loop contains 1 measures.

Usually, most of them are XNUMX bars, and sometimes they are XNUMX bars.
(In the worst case, it may be one bar)

When converted in 112 bars, it is XNUMX times, so it is called XNUMX drum loop.

And since it is easier to use one file with 16 bars, Cymatics' sample pack is really wonderful.

I tried to make a little loop.

Such a preface is about this.

It is a registration of a phone number required, but there is no problem even if it is a dummy.

Click "Join VIP Text List" after transitioning from the above link

2021 07 01 00x47 00

I don't know because I haven't registered, but I think I'll receive a short email.

Enter your name, email address, and phone number, check the check box in the red frame below, and click "Join VIP Text List".

2021 07 01 00x48 20

This will display the gift card.
(Copy the gift card)

Click "Add to Cart" to add "Cartel" to your shopping cart and proceed to payment.

Place the gift card in the red frame below when making a payment and click "Apply".

This will be $ 0.

2021 06 30 22x22 26


From giant 808s and kicks to perfectly sharp snares and claps, Cartel has everything you need to make a banger record.

Also, these drums are the heaviest drums our team of sound designers have ever collected.

Cartel contains a ton of kicks, 808s, snares, hats, percussion, drum loops and more.



I copied the title and URL