[Free] Two Rule Filter released with 2 Rule

Filter News

[Free] Two Rule Filter released with 2 Rule

administrator yosi .

When I checked the other day, it was only the Mac version, but the Win64bit version has also been released.

It has a lot of functions and is equipped with a bit crusher.

However, in FL Studio, only a part of the GUI is currently displayed!

I was able to switch presets.

I'm looking forward to the update.



Based on 2RuleFilter “, TwoRuleFilter is a self-resonant Moog filter whose cutoff frequency can be controlled manually, LFO, and envelope follower. It is also called a scrambler, which is a signal filtered according to the selected beat. The MIX “knob mixes wet and dry signals, and the“ VOLUME ”knob sets the output volume. Bit crusher “produces a hard sound. You can use the scramble function to maintain the output of rhythmic, choppy, buffering, and tempo sync.


Main functions

・ New GUI

・ High-pass, low-pass, band-pass filter

-Modulation of filter cutoff frequency by LFO (tempo sync), manual, and envelope follower (reversible)

・ Bit crusher (16bit → 1bit)

-A scrambler that divides measures into different time zones and plays beats at random.

-Mix the balance between dry (input signal) and wet (filtered and crushed bits).

-Sensitivity to change the cutoff frequency of the filter from rough to smooth.This effect is the same as parameter smoothing.


Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL