[Free] XPERIMENTA Beatbox is distributed free of charge by Xperimenta Project

2020 12 07 17x17 14 News

[Free] XPERIMENTA Beatbox is distributed free of charge by Xperimenta Project

It is a Kontakt Full version required.

Also, contact is required for commercial use.

WARNING: DO NOT USE FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSE if you don't have our authorization! Contact Us. Thanks <3

It's a vocal percussion.

Contains both loops and single shots.

I tried using it for a while, but it feels pretty good.

You can also download the free Kontakt sound source from Freebies on the menu.

2020 12 07 17x15 52


One thing you need to know about Freebies products ...

All of Kontakt's free software on this site was made by Flavio (the founder of XPERIMENTA) in his small room when he was 17-20 years old 🙂 So the scripts, sounds and features are very simple. Only basic ones.Premium Instruments is a completely different series, professionally crafted with professional scripts and minds, using top-end equipment.

Even so, many people asked me to put it in again, so I thought it was okay as it was.We also want to help musicians who are about to start music and those who don't have the money to buy expensive libraries.Thanks to everyone who supported this project.

Enjoy the musical instrument.Then subscribe to our newsletter to support this project.

Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL