[Free] WA Production's Puncher Lite is being distributed for free (until December 12)

2020 12 15 11x39 58 End sale

[Free] WA Production's Puncher Lite is being distributed for free (until December 12)

Puncher Lite was also included in Computer Music Magazine, so if you have a recent Computer Music Magazine, you probably don't need it. (After CM272)


In terms of compression, the "Puncher. Lite version" is the all-in-one tool you've dreamed of.It has three different effects in a compact design.

・ Transient shaper
・ Multi-band compressor
・ Parallel compressor

“Puncher. Lite Version” allows you to combine the power of these three amazing tools to create a whole new, unique and powerful sound.



I copied the title and URL