[Free] Introduction of slowslicing's granular spectrum synthesis plug-in phasereplicant (Win only)

2023 08 26 01x14 52 Free plugin

Introduction to Slowslicing's Granular Spectrum Synthesis Plugin phasereplicatant

Today, I would like to introduce a slightly unusual plug-in, the granular spectral synthesis plug-in "phasereplicatant".

This is very interesting.

I think it's a plug-in that didn't exist.


Sound demo

"phasereplicatant" loads and uses samples.

"phasereplicant" is a bit weird, it's a plugin that has offline processing.

There are mainly two ways to use it.

・Method of playing the sample with a granular engine
・Method of offline processing and loading the sample into the DAW by drag and drop

How to make the sample sound by Granular Engine

First and foremost, you need a sample, so drag and drop it into the plugin.

I think that the longer the sample, the better for granules.

I tried it with a guitar loop sample.

Check "Granular" on the right and adjust the degree of application with 4 parameters.


How to use offline processing and load the sample into the DAW by drag and drop

"phasereplicatant" can be processed offline.

I played it with the same guitar sample as before.




phasereplicant is a spectral granular synth that splits audio into 256 bands and performs granular synthesis on each band separately!You can also change the phase of the audio (zero, random phase, etc.), making the audio sound smeared and blurry while preserving the original harmonies while keeping the amplitude the same. .There is also a live granular section along with drag and drop functionality to the daw host.

As far as I know, it is also the world's first pan-pan type plug-in.



You can download it without registration.

Win VST3 (64bit) only.

Go to the above link and click "DOWNLOAD"

Advertisements will open in a separate window, but you can close it.


Put the downloaded file "phasereplicatant.vst3" in the following folder and you're done.

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3




It's really interesting to be able to do something like this.

It would be nice if it could be done with a plug-in instead of the freeze function of the DAW.




Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL