[40% OFF] FX23 Psylab Pro is on sale (until 9/25)

2020 09 24 22x08 48 End sale

[40% OFF] FX23 Psylab Pro is on sale (until 9/25)

This is yosi, the caretaker.

The developer named FX23 and the oscilloscope plug-in introduced the other day are also the same developers.

Psylab Pro was on sale when I was curious about it.

Is Psylab Pro a Kick and Bass-specific synth?is.

And I tried using this demo version, but it's dangerous.

I'm worried about buying it, but there are two other things I'm worried about ...

Please watch the video for a moment.

Apply the coupon and get 40% off.

Coupon code:APGLAB


Psylab is a VSTI plugin and standalone app dedicated to kick-based design based on our unique advanced True cubic bezier curves system.

Originally designed specifically for personal psychedelic kick and bass designs, it can now do more and fit into any electronic genre.


End sale
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL