[50% OFF] Psylab Pro is on sale at FX23 (€ 12 until 31/34.50)

2020 09 24 22x08 48 End sale

[50% OFF] Psylab Pro is on sale at FX23 (€ 12 until 31/34.50)

The end date has been postponed.

€ 34.50 is about 4,300 yen.

This plug-in is overwhelmingly recommended for those who make psychedelics.

Is Psylab Pro a Kick and Bass-specific synth?is.

It is also recommended for those who want to make a Kick.


Psylab is a VSTI plugin and standalone app dedicated to kick-based design based on our unique advanced True cubic bezier curves system.

Originally designed specifically for personal psychedelic kick and bass designs, it can now do more and fit into any electronic genre.

End sale
Chillout with Beat


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