[Free] A $ 10 gift card that can be used with Cymatics without a lower limit is being distributed (until 8/13)

End sale

[Free] A $ 10 gift card that can be used with Cymatics without a lower limit is being distributed (until 8/13)

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

This is the one I got from everyone!

A $ 10 gift card that can be used with no lower limit is being distributed for 24 hours only.

Although it is limited to 24 hours, it can be used even after 24 hours, according to the tendency so far.

However, it is better to use it as soon as possible.

Coupon code:CYM10


HoweverCHAOSThe pack is attractive.

It's probably about $ 200- $ 400, so I don't buy it as an amateur, but I think professionals should buy it.

Cymatics' recent attempt has determined the number of licenses for the sample pack.

Only 2,500 licenses are sold this time.

This means that only 2,500 people in the world use this sample.
(Maybe there will be more due to unauthorized use ...)
