[Free] Granular reverb THINGS – TEXTURE will be distributed free of charge for a limited time with Audiothing (until 12/31)

2020 12 23 21x02 39 End sale

[Free] Granular reverb THINGS – TEXTURE will be distributed free of charge for a limited time with Audiothing (until 12/31)

This year is a Christmas gift from Audiothing.

It will be sold for $ 12 after December 31st.

It sounds like Audiothing, but there are too few parameters that can be changed, which makes me feel unsatisfactory.


Things is likely to be a series of small plug-ins that cover a wide range of effects, with a focus on sound design and creativity.

The first in the series is Texture, an easy-to-use granular reverb with pitch shift and mid / side modes. Texture can turn any sound into an ambient soundscape or add a drone-like feel to your tracks.This plugin is inspired by the techniques used in the soundtrack and sound design of the award-winning indie game The Swapper.



I copied the title and URL