[Free] Waves Manny Marroquin Tone Shaper is being distributed for free (until 9/15)

2020 09 02 21x59 28 End sale

[Free] Waves Manny Marroquin Tone Shaper is being distributed for free (until 9/15)

I'm yosi, the caretaker.

Waves' Manny Marroquin Tone Shaper is the first free distribution.

Let's get the question and answer for free.

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Introducing MM Tone Shaper by Manny Marroquin. “Parallel compression plays a very important role in my mixing technique. Parallel compression plays a very important role in my mixing technique. Tone Shaper is 4 With a parallel compressor with two bands and an EQ, you can quickly and easily change the tone of a track to match your mix. If your mix is ​​around 80%, you can add a Tone Shaper instead of an EQ or volume. It turns out that you can make things stand out without sacrificing mix space.


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