[Free available] Introducing Vox Amp, a plug-in that gives momentum to the vocals of Viator DSP.

2022 06 14 11x47 39 Plugin

Today I would like to introduce Viator DSP's Vox Amp.

Vox Amp is a distortion suitable for vocals.

It doesn't distort violently, but it adds high like an exciter.




Vox Amp Distortion Plugin Update 1.3.0
hello everyone. You've got a new distortion plug-in called Vox Amp! It's a distortion plug-in aimed at creating aggressive vocals, but it works for everything.We've also added plugin customization options that allow you to change your color scheme to provide cool look and feel options!We would like to continue this function in the future.This is a feature that we would like to continue to improve so that it can be released in future plugins.



– Fixed an issue where the label would freeze when hovering the mouse over the plug-in insert.

– Fixed an issue where the shadow of the drive dial might disappear and blink

– Fixed an issue where Reaper's audio would drop out when Reaper was minimized with the Vox Amp open.

– Fixed an issue where buttons disappeared on Mac.


Hover your mouse over the controls to see a tooltip that describes the functionality of each control.

You can open a second pane to change the color with the settings button in the upper right corner of the plugin header.

Drive: Pushes the signal into the parallel distortion circuit up to 50 dB, and achieves super-harmonic distortion.

Range – The range of frequencies that distortion affects.Frequency above the knob cutoff is included in the distortion.

Lowpass – A high-cut filter for darkening the sound needed to attenuate harsh frequencies or get a lo-fi effect 🙂

Mix – Mixes distorted and dry signals.

Trim – Volume control for wet (distorted) signals.

Output – Volume control for the master output of the entire plug-in.

HQ (High Quality) – Turns on 4x oversampling to avoid aliasing in distortion processing.

Phase – Inverts the polarity of the signal.


You can download it without registering.

You can download from the link at the bottom of the screen by transitioning from the above link.

2022 06 14 01h53 23 1


Since it comes with an installer and VST3 version, there is no problem with the default installation.



It's pretty good.

And Audiothing'sMegaphoneThe compatibility with was also good.




PluginFree plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL