[Free] Introducing BBC Symphony Orchestra Discover, an orchestra sound source for Spitfire Audio


BBCSO Discover used to be free to answer surveys, but now you don't need a survey.

If you have avoided the questionnaire because it is in English, please check it out.

I tried to ring it.

I started multiple and tried to ring.

It's amazing that this is free.


With BBC Symphony Orchestra Discover, you can easily add beautiful orchestral instruments to any style of music. From Garageband to Pro Tools, 33 instruments bring to life in easy-to-use plug-ins for all major music production software.

System requirements

Disk space




From Mac OS X 10.13 to OS 12.
Minimum required items Minimum 2.8GHz i5 (quad core), 8GB RAM.Recommended: 2.8GHz i7 (sick score), 16GB RAM. Requires Intel and M1 Apple computers, 64-bit DAW. (32-bit DAW is not supported).


Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 (latest service pack, 64-bit).
Minimum Intel 2.8 GHz i5 (quad core) or AMD Ryzen 5.Recommended Intel 2.8 GHz i7 (6 cores) or AMD R7 2700. (32-bit DAW is not supported).


Purchasing process (free)

To download, you first need a Spitfire Audio account and a free purchase process.

Transition from the above link and click "ADD TO CART".

It will change to "IN YOUR CART", so just click it.

Just click "CHECK OUT".

If you don't have an account

If you already have an account, please skip it.

If you do not have an account, fill in the "CREATE ACCOUNT" information.

Fill in "email address", "confirmation email address" (enter the same content), "name", "last name", "password", "confirmation password" (enter the same content) from the top, and then "CCREATE ACCOUNT" "Click.


This completes the purchasing process.


If you have an account

You will be asked for your account, so enter your email address and password and click "LOG IN".

After logging in, scroll the screen, check that "ORDER TOTAL" is "USD $ 0.00", and click "CHECK OUT".



Download using "Spitfire Audio App".

First, download "Spitfire Audio App".

Move from the above link and click the link of the OS you are using.
(Proceed with explanation on Windows)

Then "Spitfire Audio-Win- #. #. ##. Exe" will be downloaded.
(# Is the version number)

Run and install.

There is no choice, so proceed to "Finish".

Click "Finish" to launch the app.

First, "DECLINE" (rejection) and "ACCEPT" (acceptance) are displayed, so select the one you like.

This allows or refuses to send information using the app to Spitfire Audio.

I don't send personal information, so I think it doesn't matter which one.

Next, you will be asked for your email address and password. Enter your account information and click "LOG IN".

You will be asked for the path to install. If there is a path you want to install, change it and click "FINISH".

"DISCOVER" is displayed in "My Products", so click "INSTALL" to download and install it.




There aren't many orchestral sound sources, so it's valuable.

Since the free Lab series has also been released, many people will already have an account, so it is easy to introduce.

The GUI seems a bit wasteful, but otherwise it's great.

