[Free] Introducing ReCONSTRUCT: Neural Synth, a synth sound source based on AI technology

2023 06 24 04x01 32 News

Introducing ReCONSTRUCT: Neural Synth, an AI-based synth sound source

Today, I would like to introduce the AI ​​technology-based synth sound source "ReCONSTRUCT: Neural Synth".

It is a synth sound source that can generate sounds using AI technology.

Produces a pretty decent sound.

The sound is just a little lighter.

Sound demo

I tried playing the preset.


I tried generating a new tone by pressing the Generate button.




Unleash Endless Sound Possibilities
If you're looking for innovative tools to improve your creative process, look no further than ReCONSTRUCT.This virtual instrument harnesses the power of neural networks to generate unique instruments and timbres, giving musicians and producers a gateway to new sonic experiences.

Unleash your Sonic Imagination

ReCONSTRUCT utilizes advanced neural networks to generate new instruments and unparalleled timbres.By setting just a few initial parameters, you can unlock a world of sonic possibilities and let the neural network take creative control to produce incredible sonic variations.

Main functions

Automatic Sound Generation: With ReCONSTRUCT, you don't need to be a sound synthesis expert.Just set a few initial parameters and let the neural network generate complex and immersive timbres.
User-Friendly Interface: ReCONSTRUCT's interface was developed with the help of artificial intelligence to provide an intuitive and hassle-free experience.You don't have to be a programming guru to unlock the full potential of this virtual instrument.
Flexible Integration: ReCONSTRUCT integrates seamlessly with leading digital audio workstations (DAWs), making it easy to integrate into your existing music production workflow.
FREE EXCLUSIVE VERSION: Experience a limited version of ReCONSTRUCT for free.Unlock the ability to generate sounds using neural networks and explore the creative possibilities of this groundbreaking technology.
Want full control over the generated parameters?Upgrade to the full version of ReCONSTRUCT for just $29 and unlock advanced features to refine and personalize your timbre to your musical taste.
Take your music to new heights

ReCONSTRUCT is a powerful tool for musicians seeking inspiration and sonic exploration.Whether you're a curious newbie or a seasoned producer, ReCONSTRUCT offers a universe of creative possibilities, allowing you to craft unique sounds and venture into uncharted musical territory.


Don't miss the opportunity to experience the power of neural network timbre generation.Awaken your sonic imagination and take your music to uncharted territory. Click the link below to purchase ReCONSTRUCT now!

If you want to help micro developers keep making cool instruments and effects.
You can donate from this QR code.

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VST/VST3/AAX for Windows 64bit.VST/VST3/AU/AAX for Mac 64bit.
Minimum System Win 8.1 / OSX 10.13
Send your questions and comments to salve@audiofb.com.



OS 32bit 64bit
mac x AAX, AU, VST, VST3
Win x AAX, VST, VST3



A purchase is required to download.

Transition from the above link and click "ADD TO CART".

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Click "CHECKOUT" at the bottom right

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If you have an account, click "Click here to login" to log in, enter the necessary information and click "PLACE ORDER"

If you do not need an account, enter the necessary information and click "PLACE ORDER"

2023 06 24 03h30 42 1

2023 06 24 03x31 22

Click "RECONSTRUCT INSTALLERS DOWNLOAD" to start the download.

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For Win, unzip and run "AudioFB ReCONSTRUCT installer_1.0.0_WIN.exe".

After that, there is no choice and it will be installed forcibly including the AAX version.



Recently, AI technology has created innovative services in various places, but in the field of music, I feel that there is nothing that can be said to be innovative that can be used by ordinary people.

Personally, I think it's just a matter of time.


NewsFree plugin
Chillout with Beat


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