[Free] Positive Grid's BIAS FX 2 Lite is being distributed for free for a limited time.

2020 02 11 09x48 59 End sale

[Free] Positive Grid's BIAS FX 2 Lite is being distributed for free

I'm yosi, the caretaker of Chillout with Beats.

Although it is a Lite version, I am grateful for it, so let's get it.

BIAS FX can be used normally as an effector.
(Although various materials are selected for amplifiers)

If you have another BIAS PEDAL series, it will be integrated, so you will want others too.
(Before, Delay was distributed for free, but I regret missing it ...)

2020 02 11 15x40 32


The exact period is unknown, so be quick.

Download it here



End sale
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL