[Free] Ultimate Percussion Vol. 1 released on Cymatics (period unknown)

2020 11 14 03x25 26 News

[Free] Ultimate Percussion Vol. 1 released on Cymatics (period unknown)

The period is unknown.

I think it's okay for the time being, but don't forget to get it.
(Because some packs have disappeared before you know it)

It seems that the BF sale will start on November 11th, so I will update the information each time.

Ultimate Percussion Vol. 1 contains over 250 samples.

I tried to flush it.

It seems that there are many one-shots, but all the sounds are likely to be used.

There are quite a few other free packs, so if you missed it,Check required.

2020 11 14 04x35 38



I copied the title and URL