[Free] Introducing ToneTwistPlugs, which models 6 types of famous guitar pedals

2023 10 16 14x02 00 Free plugin

Introducing ToneTwistPlugs, which models 6 types of famous guitar pedals.

Introducing ToneTwistPlugs, which models 6 types of pedals such as Boss and Horizon Device.

It seems to be modeled using something like Neural Record created by developer brummer10.

I can't say it looks great, but the sound is good.


Sound demo

I tried to ring some.

Whether it's a slight glitch or an issue with my specs, the GUI sometimes turns black.

It seems that starting multiple at the same time is not very good.

I tried adding IR to the cabinet.



A set of open source audio effect plug-ins modeled after the schematics of several guitar pedals.

Released with the DISTRO DPF framework.

This set includes the following pedals:

– MetalTone, modeled after the famous BOSS MT-2 Metal Zone(*).

– CollisionDrive(*) modeled after Horizon Devices Precision Drive

– Rumor modeled after Devi Ever Ruiner(*).

– TubeScreamer, an analog emulation of the classic Ibanez TS-9(*).

– ValveCaster: A famous DIY guitar pedal schematic first put together by Matsumin in 2007.

– BoobTube is a more versatile variation of ValveCaster.

Binaries for multiple OS architectures can be downloaded here: ToneTwistPlugs

(*)'Other product names modeled in this software are trademarks of their respective companies and are not endorsed or associated with this software.
Trademarks or trade names of other manufacturers were used only in the creation of this product to identify the product whose sound was reviewed.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



It also supports CLAP.

OS 32bit 64bit
mac VST2, VST3 VST2, VST3


You can download it without registration.

Follow the link above and scroll to "Assets".

For Win users, just download the 64-bit "ToneTwistPlugs-vx.x-win64.zip".

2023 10 16 15x19 35


It is OK if you put it in the folder that ends in ".vst3" and the VST3 folder below.

2023 10 16 13x59 22

C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3


This type of plugin is really of high quality.

I feel that the technology has improved compared to paid products that are plug-in compact effectors from a while ago.


Free plugin
Chillout with Beat


I copied the title and URL