[40% OFF] Sale is being held at Blinksonic, which sells patches for Reaktor (until 11/30)

2020 11 17 13x56 38 End sale

[40% OFF] Sale is being held at Blinksonic, which sells patches for Reaktor (until 11/30)

Reaktor 6 required. (Some also work with Reaktor Player)

Blinksonic, who sells multiple patches for IDM, is holding a sale.

If you use the coupon code at checkout, you will get 40% off.

Coupon code:BN2020

I wrote an article about Blinksonic's free Reaktor patch, but even the free version is pretty well made, so you can expect a lot of paid versions.

CATALIZ ° It's pretty cool.



I copied the title and URL