[Up to 95% OFF] 10 For $ 20 sale now being held at ADSR Sounds (until 7/9)

2021 07 04 12x01 32 End sale

This is recommended.

Sample packs, presets, etc. are $ 10 for a 20 title bundle.

There are 10 types, and you can choose from your favorite genres.

Some bundles include Cthulhu presets.

"Serum & Cthulhu Toolkit"When"Future Bass Synth Presets'

2021 07 04 13x05 30

One thing to note is that if you have purchased a bundle with ADSR or VST BUZZ in the past, you should check the history and check if there is a title you are wearing.

ITheDrumBank – Drum and MIDI KitsWas quite covered.

It's cheap to wear it, so it's better to see if other titles are worth it.

If you purchase it, you will get Bitcrush from Kilohearts.



I copied the title and URL