[Free] Introducing Two Rule Fılter, a filter that supports LFOs and envelope followers.


Continuing from yesterday, I would like to introduce 2RULE's filter plug-in, TwoRule Fılter.

It looks like this when using an envelope follower.

Envelope followers can adjust the degree of filtering by the dynamics of the input.

Therefore, it is suitable for sound sources such as drums where the strength is clear.




MAC VST plug-in for filtered glitch sound

Based on "2RuleFilter", TwoRuleFilter is a self-resonant Moog filter whose filter cutoff frequency can be controlled manually, LFO, or envelope follower.There is also an interesting feature called "scrambler" that randomly plays the filtered signal according to the selected beat. mix “Knobs mix wet and dry signals.” volume “Knobs set the volume of the output. Bit Crusher” produces a hard sound.The scramble feature allows you to maintain rhythmic, choppy, buffered, and tempo sync outputs.


  • New GUI


  • High pass, low pass, band pass filter


  • Modulation of filter cutoff frequency by LFO (tempo sync), manual, envelope follower (invertable)


  • Bit crusher (16bit → 1bit)


  • A scrambler that divides a bar into different time intervals and plays beats at random.


  • A mix balance of dry (input signal) and wet (filtering and bit crush).


  • Sensitivity that changes the cutoff frequency of the filter roughly or smoothly.This effect is the same as parameter smoothing.


You can download it without registration.

Transition from the above link and download the file that matches your OS.

Win has two VST2, but it seems that the handling of graphics is different, so if it is strange on the display, I think that you should try the other one as well.
(Maybe it's just FL Studio in Win, but it didn't look right when magnified at high resolution.)

Mac seems to have VST2, VST3, AU.



It may be only FL Studio, but when I changed the red frame part in the figure below, the sound sometimes became blunt and disappeared. (It may be better not to touch it too much)

In that case, reloading will cure it.


Points when using

At the first startup, "F.Type Mod" is effective, and the filter type will switch automatically.

This makes it difficult to use at first, so if you move the knob all the way to the left, it will stop moving.

After that, the cutoff of the filter decides what to move (modulate).

The setting is "Mod.Type" on the upper left. 

It is like this.




